The family of Vincent Hokim asked Mothers United Against Violence to hold a vigil for the fallen father Saturday afternoon in Hartford.
Mothers United Against Violence held a vigil in honor of the mother and her baby killed in a Hartford shooting.
The killing of a mother and her 4-month-old son is yet another heartbreak for city officials and for the people who live in Hartford.
Mourning the loss of 12-year-old Se'Cret Pierce.
Mourning the lost a loved one in Hartford
On Thursday a 12-year-old girl was caught in the crossfire of a drive-by shooting in Hartford and died.
Mothers United Against Violence opens their arms to the community to celebrate the lives of those who had been taken way too soon.
The City of Hartford is mourning the death of a 3-year-old who was killed in a shooting over the weekend.
Mothers United Against Violence led a prayer vigil for 22-year-old Kendall Fair Saturday afternoon.
Mothers United Against Violence took to the streets to continue pushing for gun reform on the national level.
Mothers United Against Violence held a vigil in honor of the mother and her baby killed in a Hartford shooting.
The number of mass shootings in the country has multiple people within our state fired up and fighting for gun restrictions.
“It just breaks my heart that there’s so much violence,” said Henrietta Beckman with MUAV.
The vigil was held by the community activist group Mother’s United Against Violence (MUAV).
Our communities continue to be shaken and devastated by senseless acts of gun violence.
Our sympathies and condolences go out to victimized families all over our country.
Our prayers are with you.
We do what we can to combat gun violence here in Connecticut and support the victimized individuals and their families. However, violence is not just a problem in our local community, but in communities all over the United States.
Click the button below to take a look at the statistics of gun violence in our country.
Mothers United Against Violence
2550 Main Street, Hartford, CT 06120